Friday, May 12, 2023

Finally Friday - Happy Birthday Abby

 Abby turns 19.  Happy Birthday to eldest granddaughter.   

Hopes and dreams for her.  Still figuring  out life.  And  that's tough these days  for a Covid kid - she had a weird high school time. Plus moving to TX to live  with her dad.  Lots to deal with and I have  no clue  of that experience. 

I admit part of me initially judges from my very old school upbringing.  But it's such a different  world...we'll just see what happens.   Meanwhile, pretty, smart young lady with potential. 

Good luck!


  1. Hopefully none of that damages her in any way. Sadly, I think we'll see a lot of screwed-up kids from the schools shutting down.

    1. Definitely a different view of life going through pandemic in formative years. We’ll see how life turns out.
      Have a good weekend.

  2. Hi Joanne - she looks happy and ready to progress her life with encouraging family around her - good luck Abby. So much to learn ... but we all have that ahead of us - at whatever age ... mentoring for all of us. With thoughts for her and the family - cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks. Quite a journey ahead.
