Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Nothing Really Changes

I chose some misty Alaska glacier pics to represent our future.  I write this on Election Day 2016. I have no clue as to the finish, no projections yet, no winner.  Will there be a winner?  Are we winning or losing?   Ah, that's beyond me

I do know that on Wednesday, I shall get up, eat breakfast, and still drive my hour to work - as will most of America.  Then we watch the clock for lunchtime. Then we count down to going home. In the middle - paper is shuffled.

There has to be a future because Ray and I are hosting a party for his father on Saturday 11/12. The man shall be turning 80 and deserves a bit of a to-do.  I've got Tex-Mex ordered along with a chocolate cake. We expect 20 people plus kids.

So, post election day, the American flag shall still wave. Folks work, eat, and muddle along.  Has anything changed?

The key to me is family, love, respect, work, and life...........truly the Nike slogan "Just Do It" applies.

What say you?  I have blog friends from all  states and a variety of countries. Can we all agree - life goes on and we do our best?

 Is that good enough?


  1. All we can do is pray and live our lives to the best of our ability.
    Hope the party is a lot of fun.

  2. Life shall go on indeed, whether that life gets screwed up though, is a whole other story.

  3. Hi Joanne - the party sounds ideal for the now - a different subject altogether ... happy 80th to your FIL .. we know - but life will go on ... somewhat orangier than usual. Cheers Hilary

  4. I totally agree! We need to remember we are on this journey of life together and be kind to each other and continue on with what we are setting out to do and accomplish in each and every day. Great pictures!


    1. thanks. I think Hillary echoed my words in her concession speech

  5. Life will go on, but I hope it finds a way back to kindness for others. Happy birthday to your father-in-law. I'm sure the party will be a lot of fun.

  6. I know exactly how you feel after Brexit here and as you say life goes on - it has to - we just need to work together to make it better for the next generation and hope that they don't get too disheartened by what they see happening around them at the moment.

    1. yes and indeed we have to work together as a world. We shall see what happens. Thanks

  7. Well, those pics are good. And hope that the future for of all of us is good too :))

  8. I know there are many disappointed people after the elections, but we all need to come together and move forward to get our country on the right track.
