Monday, November 21, 2016


"When we stop and rest properly, we're not paying a tax on creativity. We're investing in it."


As we begin a Monday slog, let's contemplate a new book by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang - "Why You Get More Done When You Work Less".  This is from a book review in the latest Time magazine.  The theory is that maximum productivity requires four hours  a day of focused work. To get the most out of the rest of the day one should walk, nap, read, and contemplate life.

Sounds good to me.  When I really think about my work day - indeed, the quality of my work is best in the morning from eight to noon.  After lunch - nah, I'm watching the clock and hammering through tasks. I'm working for the pay check - this is not enrichment. 

What about you? 

At least this is a short week - countdown to Thanksgiving, for which I am grateful!!!


  1. Wouldn't it be nice if our employers would pay us for 4 hours of focused time what we get 8 hours now? I probably stay focused 7 out of 8 hours a work day, but I get paid production, do I need to keep to the grind so to speak.


    1. work is work and play is play. The system is probably best as it is.

  2. Yep, after lunch I'm ready to go home. Mind needs a break from the mundane.

  3. I love the idea of four focussed hours of work. I need to do that with my writing. After lunch it is hard to stay awake and focussed.

    1. exactly. Best to take a break and come back refreshed

  4. I can't nap but I try to break stuff up during the day...some crafting, some cleaning, some errands. But I really don't know how I got all this done and worked full time. I'm busting my ass more as a stay at home wife.

    1. time goes faster at home too.....I swear the weekends zoom by

  5. That's an interesting theory. I am most productive in the morning too. I'm all for walking, napping, reading, and contemplating life. :)

  6. I too, am a morning person. And, working 32 hours instead of the old 40 plus has granted me the opportunity to do work I want to do, in addition to what I am paid to do. Less money, but much more contentment!

    1. I have flexibility too and work 35 hours/week, but my drive takes up 2 more hours each day. That's the time suck, but I do think about stuff along with the important eyes on the road trick.

  7. Yes, if I kept the Sabbath (Jewish day of rest, Saturday), I'd likely be a lot more productive and creative. Alas, I do not. But Thanksgiving is welcome, and I hope you have a wonderful one, Joanne.

    1. we are all guilty of rip roaring along. Take time and enjoy some turkey (and chocolate too!)

  8. Hi Joanne - balance of life ... and having something behind the scenes to help enjoy it ... not so easy - Happy Thanksgiving ... cheers Hilary

    1. I do think our blogs give us some time for reflection and to be creative too.
