Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Whatever Wednesday - Ray Retires - Onward to 2021

Over 40 years in electronics - Ray Faries says goodbye to the drive  - approximately 728,000 miles driven, way too many hours in a car.  He says farewell to "punching the clock". 
As of 12/31/2020, Ray Faries says adios to selling fans and electronics.  What a career!  What a life - he's met a lot of great people and solved a lot of engineering problems. 
Now - he won't be sitting around. Heck no - he'll be solving home engineering problems (that I probably didn't know we had). He's got plenty of golf to play, plenty of miles to put on his RZR sweet ride, and lots of books to read.  Jigsaw puzzles await, and (hopefully ) new recipes to whip up in the kitchen.  "Dinner better be on the table when I get home from work," I say with a wink. 

Congrats Ray - love you and I know you are excited to explore new adventures. Enjoy this newfound freedom - you earned and deserve it. 

Happy New Year one and all. Stay safe and let's see what happens in 2021.  I'll be back on Monday , January 4th. Until then, cheers!


  1. Good luck to Ray on his retirement.


  2. I hope Ray has a very happy retirement - and takes you along for the ride. Happy 2021 to you both x

    1. I shall tag along. The key is coming home to a good dinner - I'm counting on his cooking!

  3. Congratulations Ray - here's to a simpler, and more fun life ahead ... and to you both a very happy new year - all the best - Hilary

    1. thanks. It shall be quite wonderful. I'm happy for him - he's earned his freedom to play, not work
