Monday, June 28, 2021

Monday Movie Mania - F9- The Fast Saga

 Monday Movie Mania - F9: The Fast Saga continues the absolutely ridiculous car stunt/ travel/ save the world franchise that evolved from The Fast and the Furious initial movie. I've been along for every hour, every mile, and I've been entertained. I left Ray at the curb on these a while ago. He couldn't stand the inanity. He had too many, "but that couldn't happen...statements." I could just ignore the stupidity, or I didn't know any better. 

It's nutso. It's insane. The plot lines are crazy. Each one of the nine movies ups the ante. So what? It's summer brain candy.  I'm not even going to attempt to explain the story. We get some history, we get current "must save humanity", and we get a nostalgia nod to Paul Walker (RIP).  

Hey - I love Vin Diesel's voice - that growl. Michelle Rodriguez is badass. Tyrese, Ludacris, et al - just a fun cast. John Cena is Vin's brother...sure.... Cameo by Helen Mirren - priceless. Charlize Theron is back as Cipher  (love her). 

Saw it at a Saturday matinee on the big screen - the only way to go for pure summer movie mania. 

F9....get in gear and zoom. 


  1. I agree! Mindless fun. Love the franchise and will be sad when it ends.

    1. Glad we agree. Sometimes you just have to zoom without really thinking.

  2. Hi Joanne - I can see this will be a film that'll be rolled out in some households when everyone needs something to watch ... I'm sure I'll see it sometime - so glad you happily enjoyed it - cheers Hilary

    1. It's goofy ridiculousness. Might not be quite in your wheelhouse. Fun on the big screen for summer and a big tub of popcorn

  3. I've watched some of these because my son's a serious fan :) cinemas here are still shut due to the lockdown, waiting to get back to big screen viewing...

    Fun way to start off the summer, have a lovely one.

  4. You're so nice. Even your review about a ridiculous movie that Ray dipped out on, as would I, entertains. You always find silver lining. So thank you for that, my friend.
