Friday, December 10, 2021

Finally Friday

Roller coaster December weather.  Came off a rainy brisk Thanksgiving. Then a gradual warming. Last Saturday, we were hot and humid. We should have worn shorts to hike at the Fort Worth Nature Preserve. I had not been there in the fall and the area had a different vibe.  Still pretty
My selfie for the day
Sat on a bench and looked up.  We enjoyed the peace and quiet.  Watched some guys fishing with a bit of success. No creatures but squirrels and birds.  The bison were not on display.  As a matter of fact, we've never seen the bison there - such prima donnas - always a bad hair day?

 Enter the weekend like my Dad. Cherie sent this pic. He was happy at winning a card game. 

Take care and do take a moment for yourselves during this holiday season - take a walk, sit on a bench, have a break. Enjoy the little things. 


  1. Well if that's not a spirit booster, nothing is. Your Dad's priceless.
    Stay warm and well over there, friend.

    1. Thanks. And he's like a little elf - such a hoot.
      Enjoy your weekend

  2. Hi Joanne - love your Dad - he's full of joy - as are you with your stories of life ... and you're so right - we need to get out and just be. Take care and enjoy the cooler time of year ...cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks. My dad is a happy man. I am lucky.
      Hope all is well across the pond - enjoy the season
