Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Wednesday Whatever - Women and Painting

On our art outing in the Fort Worth Cultural District, Ray and I explored the Modern Museum. 

They had an excellent exhibit of Women Painting Women featuring a  variety of women artists and specifically women of color. The goal was to show how our eyes have become so accustomed to male artists, their subjects being white, naked, etc.   Tables turned gentleman.  There are plenty of women working on art featuring  women and various subjects. 

The detail in the above painting was gorgeous  - my favorite.  I apologize for not noting the artist's names.  My bad completely. 

This too had so many rich colors and symbolism. 

 Superb exhibit and stellar presentation.  My favorite title of a painting that I'm not showing  was Swimming, Smoking, and Crying.  It was a Wow

Backyard folks  - The Modern is a 30 minute drive and just offers so much richness. Aaah!


  1. Women do bring in a completely different perspective. That first one is just sublime!

    1. It was an eye opener for me. So much talent

  2. Maybe the next exhibit will be women painting men and really turn the tables.

    1. I have no doubt some women are and the perspective will be unexpected

  3. Hi Joanne - yes, we're having more exhibits etc featuring women - sounds like such an interesting museum - lots to learn and appreciate - cheers Hilary

    1. Indeed. And you would love the Ft Worth Cultural District.
