Friday, September 15, 2023

Finally Friday - A Castle in the Backyard

A  Castle in the Backyard by Betsy Draine and Michael Hinden was a very fun read.   Perigord in the Dordogne district of France has castles everywhere.  This couple  fell in love with a stone house that became their summer home  and it  was in the shadow of a castle. 


so romantic. So perfect.  Their story of dealing  with realtors  in France.  Of actually finding this dream home and then making it work is  amazing. 

You will love the locals.  You will want to  eat at every restaurant they visit.  You will want to love this whole region as they did. 

A Castle in the Backyard - the Dream House in  France is a very fun read.  I was ready to move there at the word croissant!



  1. Hi Joanne - sounds a fun read .. just what one needs at times - the kind of thing I'd read on occasions - cheers Hilary

    1. It is a nice escape to France. You just don’t get to eat along the way.
