No photo available due to angsty terror ridden moments below (chuckle)
So, it's no secret based on my book My Zoo World and on various posts that I'm rather afraid of creatures.
Animals could attack at any moment so I keep a respectful distance.
Last Thursday, I did a quick run to Dollar General for work junk food - Diet Coke for me, Sprite for Zach, pork rinds for Robert, a big box of Goldfish for the gang. You get the idea. Twenty dollars later when I came out of the store, a bright yellow spot in the parking lot caught my eye. Chirping near my driver door was a tiny little canary or parakeet - bright yellow with some blue spots.
Oh my. The poor thing could easily get run over. (I do have a heart)
I did take out my phone to take a picture. While I was getting situated, the little bird suddenly flew up to land on my phone. Say what??????
I did not drop my phone but I was very surprised. Obviously this was a very domesticated cutie ready for his close up. Well, darn. I kept saying "shoo" and tried to shake my phone hand. Not budging.
Then he flapped down to land at the bag in my left arm. His little talons had a good grip. Not leaving.
Well, crap! Now what?
I moved to the sidewalk and set down the bag. I was ready to surrender my goldfish and leave.
After shaking the bag a bit, he did release his grip and hopped on to the sidewalk. Whew! I gathered up my stuff and fled quickly. I did not want him zooming into my car. Yikes!
As I pulled away, he was safely on the walk. I feel like I did my part for the bird kingdom. Hope he stayed safe and was aware of stranger danger. (and big cars in the lot)