Monday, May 10, 2021

Monday Moment - Amon Carter Museum and Photos

I skipped out of work early on Thursday.  Needed a break, and headed to Fort Worth. Time for some art. I enjoyed a stroll around the Amon Carter Museum, and appreciated the photography of An-My Le. "On Contested Terrain".  Her work covers her return to her homeland, Vietnam, and an interesting perspective of family history.  She's also photographed time at 29 Palms with the Marines - exercises, classes, and just a perspective of young men learning great responsibility.  

Time on Navy ships,  time on some film sets. An-My Le has had quite the career and her work is an interesting retrospective. 
Lots of black and white photography, plus some large color and large format work. Very impressive. 

I also enjoyed a lovely tea over at the Kimbell with a good friend, Trish. Cutesy sandwiches, fruit, scones, muffins, and cookies, plus we chose green tea. I felt quite spoiled on a Thursday afternoon - far more fun than working. 

As she said, "You need to retire. We have stuff to do."   Indeed, as more and more opens up, fun can be endless.  I'm ready!

Happy Monday. Support your local museums. 


  1. I bet it was really impressive. And sounds like the retirement bug is starting to bite.

    1. yep - spring fever hits and with retired friends, the fever blazes.

  2. Pleased you had a good time Joanne, envy you so much.

    1. thanks. That's why I try to virtually share - give you a taste of what's out there.

  3. The black-white aspect makes it more realistic and powerful. I'm glad you took the well deserved break.

    1. thanks. Yep - museums are the perfect place to walk and enjoy time off

  4. Hi Joanne - what an interesting exhibition to have visited and to learn more. Also great you could meet up with a friend ... and then that temptation of retiring, to do more visiting and learning. Lucky you - delightful day - cheers Hilary
