Monday, April 4, 2022

Monday Movie Review - The Lost City

 Last Thursday began as a cold blustery day. I decided I needed some sunshine and stupidity in my life, so off to the movies. The Lost City starring Sandra Bullock, Channing Tatum, Daniel Radcliff, and Brad Pitt filled all of my goals. 

This is old fashioned rom-com fluff with no redeeming  value. But those of us in the theater laughed out loud and enjoyed the ridiculous situations. Sandra B plays a burned out romance novelist. Channing is her cover model, Dash. Daniel Radcliff is the wacko billionaire who kidnaps her from her book tour,  to help translate some ancient parchment.  He's convinced that from her books, his lost city on an obscure island, actually has treasure in a tomb. Are you following this?

Channing/Dash is sure he can save her, but he enlists an old buddy of his, Jack, who's military trained. Jack (Brad Pitt) is a real-life Dash - handsome, daring, and rom-com ready for anything. 

I won't go into more. It's convoluted but all plays well to the casts comedic skills. Sandra Bullock is a treasure and she was awesome in this movie. The cast looked like they had fun with it. The Lost City romp was exactly what I needed. I came out smiling  to a sunny, still blustery day. It was worth my five dollars and worth you streaming when it hits your television. 


  1. It doesn't look memorable but sure it's fun. We'll see it on the small screen when it hits.

    1. and that's why I said it will amuse on streaming. Think Romancing the Stone, et al. Just light popcorn flick. Enjoy

  2. It appears to be fun......of which we're short of these days. Thanks for sharing Joanne.
    Have a great new week.

    1. Indeed, this would be perfect for you - just a lot of light laughs. Enjoy your week

  3. Hi Joanne - sounds like an ideal movie with some interesting actors heading it up - just what one needs on a cold blustery days ... and I'd go for the fun too - cheers Hilary

    1. The actors raise the material. Sandra Bullock is just so good - comedic talent. They were all in on the joke and had fun with it. Enjoy!

  4. Well, Sandra Bullock is ever delightful, so you can't really go wrong there. Brad Pitt's not hard on the eyes either. Glad it fit your needs, Joanne.

    1. Indeed - she made the movie and yes, Brad is A-OK. He has a good sense of humor too.
