Friday, January 26, 2024

Finally Friday - Bonnard's World

another part of a Sunday art stroll involved the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth. Just a stunning museum with amazing exhibits. Bonnard's World did not disappoint. 

Pierre Bonnard, first famous starting in 1890, he explored almost a new version of impressionism based on the influences of Claude Monet and Edgar Degas. His color treatments and use of light were innovative - almost rivaling his pal Henri Matisse
This exhibit is not by date, it is by category. The landscapes - often a point on a hill above the target (a home, a village). Windows - a view within a view. Patterns of light and color with a mix of composition.  Dining and Living - meals, a chandelier, fruit, or an open cupboard. Bonnard's worked invited you into the kitchen and a meal.  Bedroom and Bath - He met Marthe in the 1890s and did not marry until 1925. She was his muse - a modern women performing the rituals of bathing, dressing, strong in  her own body. 

The colors in this collection glowed in the galleries. I loved the compositions, the landscapes, and the views of Pierre Bonnard. The Kimbell honors a very special artist with this exhibition. Glorious!


  1. Hi Joanne - sounds so interesting and informative - I certainly only knew his name. I see there's a film been released this year about him and his wife - I'll watch when I get a chance. If I was near the Kimbell I'd love to visit - cheers Hilary

    1. It’s always Monet, Manet with Impressionists, but there’s depth of others like Bonnard who are spectacular. You would love the Kimbell! C’mon over and see.
