Monday, January 15, 2024

Monday Moments Movie Review - The Boys in the Boat

In theaters now, director George Clooney does an excellent adaptation from the book The Boys in the Boat.  The two hours fly by faster than a coxswain can shout at his crew. I did read the book (based on a true story) a long time ago and was very happy with this presentation. 

It's the Depression and Joe Rantz (Callum Turner) isn't sure how he can stay at the University of Washington. He's stuffing newspaper in his shoes and living out of a dead car. There's a tryout for junior varsity crew and it gives room and board. What the heck. He proves capable and is picked by Coach Ulbrickson (Joel Edgerton) for a ragtag group of eight guys who have to learn to work together and row a winning boat. It's hard work, involves a lot of teamwork and the stakes are high. 

Back in 1936, crew is a huge competitive sport. First they have to beat California, and then aim for the Ivy Leagues back east. They have to beat the varsity for a chance at a regatta. Then the big goal is Berlin - 1936 Olympics - USA team versus European elite, especially Germany under the eye of Hitler.

I enjoyed the pacing of the movie, the actors, and the spirit. I found myself huffing and puffing with the crew, urging them forward. This is a feel good story about hard work, heart, and a team. I highly recommend seeing it in the theater.  


  1. Definitely one I'll watch when it's streaming.

  2. Hi Joanne - I think I can see this on BBC iPlayer ... so now after your review I'll give it a go. Thanks - I've got Horse to read - leant back to me! Cheers Hilary

    1. Hope none of my suggestions let you down. ( they won’t!). Enjoy
