Monday, January 8, 2024

Monday Moments - Pure Imagination

Greetings - Enjoyed  Wonka on the big screen during  the Christmas holidays. It's a prequel to the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory story (by Roald Dahl), and it is amusing. I think I liked it more than Ray. 

Timothee Chalamet plays Willy Wonka with a wide eyed wonder. He does a very good job  and has a pleasant light voice for the musical numbers. He plays delicate, sensitive, and innocent well. Armed with mad chocolate skills he learned  from his late mother, he's ready to become a real chocolatier. 

 However, the secret cartel of chocolate makers will do anything to stop Willy. With perseverance, pluck, and clever friends plus an Oompa Loompa (hilarious Hugh Grant), Willy is wily and surprises await. 

Wonka is colorful and very entertaining for big screen viewing. It's different in a good way, and yes, I wanted some magic truffles at the end. 


  1. Didn't go see it but will catch it when it's streaming.

  2. Sweet and sweet! I've only heard good things about this movie. Makes me wanna go see it. Thank you.
    Happy chocolatey New Year, Joanne.

    1. It’s pleasant chocolate fun. Light and airy.
