Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Whatever Wednesday - Seven Husband of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

 The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid is a very fun and entertaining read. I did figure out the twist before the end and that was okay. 

Evelyn Hugo is ready to tell her story - a glamourous and scandalous  life. She summons an unknown reporter, Monique Grant, to write  this tale. Why? 

Monique is fascinated. From the 1950s to the 1980s, Evelyn was ambitious, ruthless, and had a forbidden love (amongst seven husbands)   Who knew? 

This is a splendid journey through  old  Hollywood.  The author spins quite a tale and intertwines two women's stories so that  both face quite a truth. 


  1. Pleased you enjoyed something good to read Joanne. Have a good day.

  2. I am glad you posted this review. I've had no idea what this book is about and now I may give it a read. Happy New Year, Joanne!

    1. It is very entertaining. Glad I could help! Enjoy

  3. Is it fictional or was she a real person?

    1. Totally fiction. If based on reality, I will note that in post. This is a pure fun read.
